Customizable pamphlet design templates

Make a lasting impression with an easy-to-read pamphlet. From professional presentation handouts and enumerating your products to start-to-finish event details and playbills, customizable pamphlet templates can flex to fit your next project. Bifold or trifold, find the perfect pamphlet template to start customizing.

Fitness business pamphlet

Tech booklet black modern-geometric

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Booklet yellow modern bold

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Education brochure orange modern-geometric-&-linear

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Spring floral booklet green vintage-botanical

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Soft bubble brochure pink modern-simple

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Vivid shapes event brochure blue modern-color-block

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<a href=Bubbles brochure blue modern-simple" width="" height="" />

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Nonprofit brochure blue modern-geometric

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Architecture brochure orange modern-geometric

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Science & tech brochure blue modern simple

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Fashion brochure pink modern-geometric

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Church service bulletin (folded) purple modern simple

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Travel brochure purple modern-simple

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Builder brochure blue modern-simple

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Restaurant brochure black modern-simple

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Sports brochure yellow modern-simple

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Color block event brochure yellow modern-simple

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Interior design brochure green modern-color-block

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New jewelry collection Brown photographic, minimal, collage, line, frame, classic

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Business tri-fold brochure green modern geometric & linear

Customize in PowerPoint

Flyer for Martin Luther King Jr. Day event red modern bold

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Event program (half-fold) <a href=blue vintage retro" width="" height="" />

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Concert program black modern simple

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Ash Wednesday Mass purple modern-simple

Customize in Designer

Keep your info top of mind with customizable pamphlet templates

Pass along pamphlets that are as eye-catching as they are informative. Start with a designer-created, customizable pamphlet template and focus on how to connect with your audience rather than how to create a trifold layout. From small business marketing assets to hobby-related themes, there's a template for every type of pamphlet you might want to make.Pamphlets should be as easy to read as they are to hold. When you start with a customizable template, you can be confident that your message will come clearly.