Chapter 1. Struts 2: the modern web application framework

Modern web applications are situated in a complex technological context. Some books that you read might be about a single subject, such as the Java language, or a specific API or library. This book is about Struts 2, a full-featured web application framework for the Java EE platform. As such, this book must take into account the vast array of technologies that converge in the space of the Java EE.

In response to this complexity, we’ll start by outlining some of the most important technologies that Struts 2 depends on. Struts 2 provides some powerful boosts to production through convention over configuration, and automates many tasks that were previously accomplished only by the sweat of the developer. But we think true efficiency comes through understanding the underlying technological context, particularly as these technologies become more and more obscured by the opacity of scaffolding and the like. That said, the first half of this chapter provides a primer on the Struts 2 environment. If you’re comfortable with this stuff, feel free to skim or skip these sections entirely.