Read our complete library of official Eberspacher D2 Airtronic user manuals online. Find operating and installation instructions and read technical overviews for your D2 heater by downloading the manuals. You can also troubleshoot a range of problems and diagnose D2 Airtronic fault code outputs accurately. Finally, get help with carrying out repairs with the additional spare parts list and repair workshop manual. Download the required manuals from the list below to get started.
Here at Butler Technik, we’ve ensured you can find all the information you need for the smooth running of your vehicle’s heater. Within our technical library, you can find a vast range of Webasto and Eberspacher manuals, including these official Eberspacher D2 Airtronic guides. From operating instructions and technical overviews to installation instructions and Eberspacher fault codes, our Eberspacher D2 Airtronic manuals provide you with everything you need for the safe and efficient installation, maintenance and overall operation of your heater.
Fault code Display
• Remedial action
• Disconnect the plug-in connection of the external room temperature sensor and measure the resistance value, see page 9 for diagram and values table, if
temperature sensor ok –> reconnect plug-in connection.
• Disconnect connector S1 / B1 at the heater and measure the resistance value in connector housing B1 between PIN 6 and PIN 12. If an interruption exists
the ohmic value between PIN 6 and PIN 12 > 3000 Ω .
If resistance value ok –> replace control box.
• Disconnect plug-in connection of the external room temperature sensor, if error code 060 is displayed –> check external room temperature sensor, see page 9 for diagram and values table.
If external room temperature sensor ok –> check the connection cables 0.52 gr and 0.52 br/ws for short circuit, if ok –> reconnect plug-in connection.
• Disconnect connector S1 / B1 at the heater and measure the resistance value in connector housing B1 between PIN 6 and PIN 12.
If a short circuit exists the ohmic value between PIN 6 and PIN 12 < 800 Ω. If the error 061 continues to be displayed, –>replace control box.
Too many resets in sequence
Transistor error in control box